
Can Dogs Eat Ice, or is It Dangerous for Them?

If you have a dog and you've ever lived in a hot area, you've probably looked for ways to cool both you and your furry friend down. Unless you have a cool pool to jump into, one of the quickest ways to fight the heat is with an ice cube. 

For dogs and people, the soothing effects of ice cubes or icy cold water are just what they need on a hot summer's day! The question is, is it okay to give your dog ice blocks to eat? The short answer would be yes.

But let's delve a little deeper. After all, you don't want to do anything that could harm your furry friend, so it's essential to figure out - Is ice bad for dogs? 

While dogs can safely eat all kinds of things that humans can, like apple skin, some foods are not suitable for them. 

For example, avocado, grapes, and cherries are all toxic to dogs. Who would have thought that some of our favorite foods could be terrible for our dogs?

Are ice cubes bad for dogs?

Ice cubes are great for cooling drinks down for people. Sometimes they're in little blocks or crushed, and some people enjoy large ice balls.

No matter what shape the ice is, and whether it's for dogs or people, you should make it from pure and clean water that has no impurities. 

Ice is water, so as long as it's pure, there is no risk of it being toxic to a dog.

However, other risks are attached to dogs eating ice, like damage to their teeth and bloat.

How ice could affect your dog's teeth

Considering that dogs can chew on bones, most people don't even hesitate to give their dog some ice. Dogs love it! To them, it's just another hard thing they can sink their canines into. Only this one is cold!

But, just like it is with people, eating ice can damage dogs' teeth or gums.

  • Dogs tend to chew quite aggressively, and when they chew on a hard object like ice, it could cause their teeth to become brittle.
  • The shards of ice could also cut their gums, which may lead to infection.
  • Also, ice could become lodged in your dog's throat and cause them to choke.

Although most dogs that also chow down on raw bones would be okay with eating ice, many owners prefer not to risk it.


If your dog gobbles up the ice cubes too quickly, they could bloat because of the air they suck in while they eat the ice. This fills the stomach with gas and makes them swell up.

It can cause the following uncomfortable and painful symptoms:

  • Restlessness
  • Painful abdomen
  • Pacing
  • Drooling
  • Panting
  • Retching and unsuccessful vomiting

If your dog eats too quickly, or they're incredibly thirsty or hungry and likely to gulp, it's best not to give them ice.

To help your pups cool down, instead put some ice shards in their drinking water. 


Sometimes eating ice can cause a dog's stomach to spasm and cause vomiting. This does not affect all dogs and is most prevalent in puppies.

If ice makes your dog react in that way, it's best not to give it to them again.

How to give your dog ice safely

Owners wondering - Can dogs eat ice? - should remember that each dog is different. Some will gobble up ice cubes quickly, crunching on them and potentially getting hurt. Other dogs will be content with licking the ice cubes.

For dogs, it doesn't matter how they get the cool ice in, so why not crush it up?

  • Crushing it up is by far the safest way to give them ice. This will help keep them hydrated on even the hottest day without putting them at risk!
  • Another option is to give your pup an exciting chew toy that can be frozen. That way, they can chew on something icy cold and hard with no risk to their health.
  • There's also the option to make an ice lick by freezing beef or chicken broth with some peanut butter!

So, is ice good for dogs, or not?

There are both benefits and drawbacks to giving dogs ice.

Can dogs have ice? Yes, they can. Is it good for them? It depends on the type of ice and how the dog treats it.

Most dogs can eat ice cubes, but crushed ice or iced water for dogs is a better idea. 

Ice cubes can also cool them down quickly but may pose a choking hazard. Your safest bet is to give your dog icy cold drinking water.

Whether you give your puppy an ice cube to soothe their aching gums or your older pup a bowl of crushed ice to help cool them down, it's important to make sure you watch your dog while they enjoy their icy treat.
