
Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin? [The Truth About Apple Peels for Pups]

There is no doubt that apples are a delicious and nutritious addition to any human diet. They're full of dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. But can dogs eat apple peels safely?

Studies show that whole food diets are some of the best for our pups, whether raw or cooked. 

Conventional, prepackaged dog kibble is full of unhealthy fillers and crappy ingredients. 

It's no wonder, then, that a dog fares better regularly eating foods that still resemble the plants and animals from which the ingredients came. 

Any good whole food diet for dogs will include various fruits, vegetables, grains, and raw or cooked meats. 

Can dog have apples? And, can dogs eat apples’ skin? Some foods that are entirely healthy and harmless for us are toxic for dogs to ingest.

Read below to find out if apples and skins are safe for dogs to eat and whether or not you should include them in your dog's diet. 

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

It's completely okay to feed your dog the flesh or pulp of apples. They're full of fiber, nutrients, and high water content to help keep your pup hydrated. 

However, the apple's core presents a choking hazard, as it is too firm for dogs to chew and break down properly before swallowing. If your dog eats chunks of the fruit's core, they may end up with an intestinal blockage, which can be fatal without surgery. 

The fruit's seeds contain small amounts of cyanide, making them toxic to both humans and dogs. Please don't let your pup chow down and swallow any of the seeds within the core. 

Can Dogs Eat Apple Skin?

Like with the flesh of an apple, doggos can eat apple skins safely. The apple skins provide a lot of nutrition for a growing pup when eaten in moderation. We've outlined the benefits and drawbacks of feeding your dog apple skins below. 

Benefits of apple skins

They're delicious

Your dog will love eating these up. There are thousands of varieties of apples that range from sweet to very tart, and we think it's a safe bet that your pup is going to enjoy most of them. 

Relatively inexpensive

Apples are an affordable fruit, making them ideal for rounding out a whole food diet for your canine pal, which can quickly become expensive. 

Full of fiber

The fiber in apples will help keep your pup feeling full and satisfied, as high-fiber foods take longer to digest. 

Fiber can also level out your dog's gut and promote better digestion. Whether they struggle with a sensitive stomach, constipation, or diarrhea, fibrous food like apples will be your dog's best friend.

Vitamins and minerals

Apples contain a load of nutrients that are great for your dog. Vitamin C provides some antioxidant effects for your pup to keep their immune system healthy while protecting them from diseases and cancer. 

Vitamin A promotes healthy nerve function, as well as a soft, silky coat. 

The high levels of potassium in apples help prevent your dog from developing urinary stones and kidney disease. 

Drawback of apple skins

Apples can be a fantastic treat for a pup. But too much of a good thing is just that: too much. 

Too much of a good thing

If you feed your dog too many apple peels, the digestive benefits start to reverse: your dog may develop an upset stomach or even diarrhea. One way to avoid this is to peel the apple first using an apple peeler, then core and slice it. This helps you control the amount of peel your dog eats in a single sitting.


A single fruit contains approximately 25 grams of sugar. If your pup makes a regular feast of entire apples, their diet will be high in sugar, which can cause canine obesity and tooth decay.

Daily servings of apples

The recommended daily serving of apples that won't upset your puppy's tummy is 1 to 2 slices. Don't allow your dog's consumption to exceed 10% of their daily calorie intake, and they'll be just fine. 

Other Fruit and Your Pup's Gut

Along with apples, you can feed your dog some fruit, but not others. Here's our comprehensive list of what's safe and what's not for your doggo.

Safe fruit for dogs

  • Bananas - An excellent source of biotin, fiber, copper, and potassium
  • Blueberries - Chock full of free radical stopping antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals
  • Cantaloupe - High in nutrients, but also high sugar levels
  • Cranberries - Fresh and dried, both are safe to consume in moderation
  • Mangos - Packed with vitamins B6, A, C, E, and alpha- and beta-carotene
  • Oranges - Lots of C vitamins, fiber, and potassium, if you can get your pup to eat it
  • Peaches - Sliced for your puppy to get some fiber, vitamin A, and help fight infection
  • Seedless watermelon - The fruit, not the rind, keeps a dog hydrated and gives a boost of vitamins 
  • Raspberries - Antioxidant-rich berries that contain fiber and manganese to combat inflammation in a dog's joints
  • Strawberries - One enzyme whitens a canine's teeth while pumping up fiber and C vitamins

Toxic fruit for dogs

  • Avocado - Contains persin that causes vomiting and diarrhea
  • Cherries - Cyanide within this fruit is toxic for pups and potentially fatal
  • Grapes - Incredibly harmful for canines and can cause sudden kidney failure
  • Tomatoes - Green tomatoes contain solanine, a poisonous compound

Final Word: Can Dogs Have Apple Peels?

Your pup will love chowing down on the occasional sliced apples with peels, as long as you keep their portions within moderation. 

A doggo's tummy can handle the pulp a little better than the peels. Feed your dog a bit of the peel, peel the rest of the fruit, and give them a few extra slices. 

Consult our list of safe fruits for pups and mix up what you're feeding your canine BFF to ensure they're getting a well-balanced diet.
